What Do You Choose in 2023?

I’ve been on “stay-cation” for the last week, so I'm feeling pretty relaxed. (January 1st is also my 18th wedding anniversary to my husband Luis).

Instead of all the “New Year New You” messages and offers that may be flooding your inbox right now, I want to share my thoughts about entering 2023. For many it’s a time for big changes; for others it’s just another day.

I prefer to think of the new year transition as a time to reflect on the past year (or more): what went well and what didn’t, what I learned, what was gained and lost, and how unexpected events affected everything.

Then I look forward and think about how I want to FEEL in the new year. I visualize what that might look like, and the things I can do to support that vision.

I choose to enter 2023 with the theme of Joy and Ease in mind; carrying forward what I learned in 2022 that sustains me, and leaving behind what doesn't serve this life vision. I know that I need to make this mental choice Every Day, followed by Practice that sustains my choice.

Wishing You a Happy and Healthy New Year!
