Introducing. . .Me

With many new readers added over the past year, I decided it’s a good time to (re)introduce myself: my name is Eva (pronounced like eh-va) Montalvo.

I won’t launch into my whole life story, but here are the basics: I’m 3rd generation American from Texas (great-grandparents from Mexico), married to a Cuban-American named Luis for 18 years, and we have an English Bulldog named Lulu, who’s very spoiled.

I've lived in 6 U.S. states and 3 countries, and still love to travel. My previous career as a CPA (Certified Public Accountant) spanned 20+ years doing tax, auditing, and accounting work, before deciding to transition away from stressful desk work in order to take better care of my health.

Physically, I’m short, curvy, and am about to turn 60 this year, which has helped me learn that yoga can be adapted for all kinds of shapes and sizes.

In 2012/13 I studied holistic nutrition and became a health coach, then chose to study yoga in 2015 because it had changed my life, both physically and mentally. I’ve now been teaching for about 8 years, 6 of those in south Florida, where I live now.

Here’s what might be more important to you: what I bring to YOU as a yoga teacher. I come to you with compassion, acceptance, encouragement, and intuitive clear instruction. I share my years of experience and training working with different kinds of bodies, with the intention of making yoga available to EVERY BODY.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
