Is It September Yet?

I remember someone telling me “don’t wish time away” when I was younger, and it stuck with me. It was probably in response to something I said, along the lines of “I can’t wait until. . . . happens / is over!” I understand the advice more now than then, because time passes too quickly.

August has actually been a great month for me in many ways. Despite the extreme heat (or maybe because of it), most of my classes are still going strong. I’m also getting many requests for new classes, which is a good problem to have, but requires much thought and planning, because there’s only one of me!

I know that in South Florida it really doesn’t cool down much in September, but just this past week we had slightly cooler temperatures early morning / late evening, giving us glimmers of autumn ahead.

If you want to practice mindful yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
