Yoga Rules

I found this graphic at, where you can personalize a poster or canvas like this with your name. In a sense, items listed on the graphic relate to yoga and life principles, or guidelines, more than actual rules.

If you’ve been to any of my classes, you may have heard my main “rules” - they are simple and easy to remember:

  1. Honor your body. This is an overarching principle of yoga, which requires that you learn to turn inwards and listen to your body’s signals and instincts vs. your ego. These signals can help you determine whether you go to class at all, take it easy when needed, or skip poses that aren’t for you in that moment. They can also motivate you to put just a little more effort into a pose, or take another sun salutation, if you have lots of energy.

  2. Pay attention to your breath. Of course we breathe, or we wouldn’t be here. However, connecting to our breath pattern, and practicing different breathing techniques is so important to our well-being.

In addition to these, there are some basic rules of etiquette that may apply in any group setting, but also some specific to yoga classes, in order for everyone to get the best experience possible.

  1. Be courteous and mindful of others, in spacing, in limiting distractions, and avoiding heavy perfumes, for example.

  2. Turn off your cell phone ringer. This includes smart watch notifications, too.

  3. Stay through the end of class, if possible. If you must leave early, do so before final relaxation (Savasana) to avoid disturbing others during this peaceful time.

If you want to practice mindful yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
