Is Your Brain a Bully?

Courtesy of Yoga Circles:

This picture comes from Yoga Circles, and depicts how our brains can feel like they are all over the place. Click here to access the article: How The Mind Creates Distraction and The Simple Way Yoga Gets Us Back

Here’s an excerpt:

“For millions of people, the stresses of modern life result in distraction from a more meaningful way of living. We feel distressed, hopeless, and anxious when the balance shifts and we find ourselves going through life without focus or presence. . .

But what if there was a healthier way to deal with the symptoms of distraction?

When we recognize the cause of these symptoms, we can begin to fix the problem by working with the mind. Instead of allowing the mind to distract us, we can yoke it and use it to return to ourselves. Then the symptoms will begin to fade.” 

I also have a very busy brain, and this was one of the main reasons why I started yoga, and became a teacher. In our modern world we have access to so much instant information at our fingertips, and so many devices to do this. This is why I ask students to turn off their phone ringers and smart watch notifications in class.

It’s important for us to set aside time for our minds to be undistracted so that we can stay present to the body’s sensations, then hopefully find peacefulness for the mind in Savasana (final relaxation) that we can carry into our lives.

I hope that you can explore undistracted and mindful movement with me to help your whole body and brain.

Be Well,
