Problems Get All The Attention!

“The squeaky wheel gets all the grease”

~ American Proverb

From Merriam-Webster: idiom “used to say that someone who complains or causes problems is more likely to receive attention or help than someone who stays quiet and does not cause problems.”

I believe that this tendency also applies to us with our own bodies. Just as in dealing with a “problem child,” we tend to focus most on the parts that hurt, or aren’t working well. For example, if our back hurts, we try all the stretches, exercises, and other treatments we can think of just for that area.

Even when physical therapy is prescribed by a medical professional, therapists are usually allowed to offer only targeted therapy for a specific issue, partly because of health insurance rules in the U.S.

Yoga, however, is more holistic, addressing the whole person and body. When I have a client with back pain, we often start by calming the nervous system with breathwork as the 1st step. After all, what good are 50 bridge poses and 30 minutes of strong core work, if you are tense and anxious about your life?

Also, where we feel pain / tension can be related to another part of the body. When I had severe wrist pain for over 1.5 years, my chiropractor was able to trace the impingement up my arm to an old shoulder injury, and was able to clear it up within a few months of treatment, along with acupuncture and “homework.”

I keep the problem from returning by cutting back on cell phone usage (which possibly triggered it), and integrating my wrist and shoulder work into my personal yoga practice.

I hope that you can explore holistic movement and breathing with me to help your whole body.

Be Well,
