Just Show Up

I often end my classes by thanking the students for showing up: for each other, for me (maybe), and especially for themselves.

I think that often the hardest step in doing something for yourself is setting aside that time, and making the effort.  To get dressed and out the door in time; to set up for a Zoom class; to just CLICK on that video!

Showing up also means committing to that time without distractions, as much as possible.  Turn off the ringer on your phone, and do your best to send away the thoughts of tasks you need to do, knowing they will still be there for you after class.

Here's a visualization I like to use:  imagine putting all of your thoughts and plans about anything except NOW in a paper sack, and setting it outside the door just for that time.  When you are done you can pick it back up, or NOT, as you choose.

If you want to show up for yourself and practice yoga with me, I provide many yoga options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well, 
