The Whole Pizza

What's your favorite part of pizza?  I love it when the whole thing comes together right out of the oven: good crust with just the right thickness and crispness, well-seasoned sauce, lots of colorful fresh toppings, and of course the cheese (non-dairy for me).  Smells, taste, texture, warmth, and visual aspects come together for the perfect pizza.  Sometimes I even top it with some red pepper flakes or olive oil for that extra flavor. 

What's your favorite part of yoga?  I want to tell you that if you think of yoga as just the stretches, it's like just eating the toppings of a pizza.  There's nothing wrong with that, but there's so much more to enjoy.

Yoga is so much more than stretching and physical movement (asana).  I've been practicing for 15+ years, and I'm still learning about all the layers.  Going beyond the physical benefits (which are great on their own), and incorporating the mental, emotional, and even spiritual aspects of this system that's been around for thousands of years is a lifelong practice.  

Maybe you've gotten a glimpse of this "beyond" during final relaxation in a class, when you may feel peaceful, relaxed, and light?  This is why I like to weave in the foundation (crust), "sauce," and extra flavors of yogic concepts during classes I teach, even as we practice the physical elements.  It's really up to you to decide which parts you choose for yourself.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Enjoy Life, Be Well, 
