Lunging For Health

Photo Courtesy of Real Simple

Last week was a whirlwind (almost literally). Not only did we have the U.S. midterm elections, but in south Florida we had to prepare for Tropical Storm / Hurricane Nicole! I'm grateful we didn't have a big impact in my community, but seeing the damage that happened just a little further up the coast made my heart hurt for those affected.

Many of my classes canceled last week due to the impending storm. If you were a class early in the week, you know that we explored Lunge pose, both seated and standing (pictured above).

Physically, Lunge pose uses the legs, hips, abdominal, and gluteal muscles, while maintaining mobility and stability and building strength. It's also a balance pose when done standing, because it mimics/exaggerates the movement we make when we take a step forward or back. Learn more in this article.

I think it's fun to explore the pose while seated, because we're essentially sitting sideways. I love that the chair version offers support while letting the student find their own range of motion without as much pressure on the hips, knees, or ankles.

If you want to practice yoga with me , I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.


Be Well,  
