Collecting Beauty

Anonymous Source

A friend of mind sends out daily morning inspirational messages that I really enjoy. She curates beautiful images and adds her own personalized message. (If you're interested and can use WhatsApp, let me know and I'll share the info).

Her message for the above image was this:

"Collect beauty today:
Whenever you walk through a doorway -
inside or outside -
look around and find something beautiful."

This really hit home for me. I sometimes walk into a room with my mind on my schedule, or when I look around at home I see something that needs to be cleaned or repaired.

If this sounds familiar to you, try an exercise with me. What if, instead of fixating on what's wrong, we chose to notice what's good and beautiful. Even it's it's something that seems ordinary, like a decorative item on the shelf, the smile of a friend, or a plant that looks particularly healthy?

"Collecting beauty" in this way can go a long ways towards building and sustaining our peace and joy.

If you want to practice yoga with me , I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Happy Thanksgiving Week,  
