My Birthday Gift

I’m celebrating a “milestone” birthday very soon.

Instead of dreading it, I’ve been mentally preparing myself for a few months by observing and talking to wonderful people I know who are my age or older, listening to comments, complaints, and advice. I’ve also been taking “inventory” of what’s good in my life.

I know the years bring some challenges in my body and life, yet I recognize it’s also a privilege to grow older, because it’s something many don’t get to do.

My personal yoga practice, and teaching, has changed over the 20 or so years since I first discovered it. There are many poses I can’t (or choose not to) do anymore, but I have gained better awareness and respect for my body, as well as a deeper insight into what yoga is to me, besides the poses.

My birthday wish is to enjoy life with my family and friends, to stay healthy, and to be able to continue to share yoga and movement with you.

If you want to practice mindful yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
