
Last week I got to meet up with a friend and former yoga student I hadn’t seen for over 3 years. We talked for 2 hours, and connected in a very meaningful and uplifting way. I also recently taught some in-person sessions with long-time private clients for the 1st time in 3+ years. I treated those sessions as a “tune-up” because I could observe their whole bodies in better detail.

Zoom has been a wonderful tool, and it continues to help me reach family, friends, and students when they aren’t local. It works, but sometimes there’s an awkwardness of interacting via video, and I can’t always see what your feet are doing!

It’s like the difference between listening to music from a favorite musician or group you love on the radio, and then seeing them perform live and in person. There’s an added element of humanity that’s not fully captured on media. It includes senses like smell (not always a good thing haha), or being able to see their full surroundings.

As we emerge from the “national emergency” stage of the pandemic (although it’s not completely gone), remember to connect (safely) with people when you can. It could be meeting for tea with a friend, having dinner with family, or just waving at a neighbor across the street. It’s good for the heart!

If you want to practice yoga being present with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Happy Mother’s Day,
