WD-40 For Humans

One of my students brought a picture of WD-40 to class a couple of weeks ago as a joke. He had heard the expression “Motion is the Lotion” before when it came to the body, and it made him think of the popular lubricant.

I thought it was funny but also very appropriate. If you’re not familiar, WD-40 is used for multiple purposes, such as loosening rusted bolts, and lubricating squeaky door hinges as well as other moving parts like wheels and gears. Think of the oil can for the Tin Man in The Wizard of Oz.

But what about the human body? What can we do to help with general stiffness and tension in the body? The answer is simple: MOVE EVERY DAY. Mindfully moving the body gets natural lubricants - synovial fluids - to the joints for better mobility and circulation. (This article helps explain -  Motion is Lotion: Exercising to Keep Your Joints Healthy)

In addition to the physical benefits, movement can also help with mental health, promoting a general sense of well-being. According to an article by the University of Colorado Boulder - Wellness Services, here are just a few of the benefits of moving your body:

  • Releases endorphins and helps relieve stress

  • Allows us to take a break from everyday challenges and responsibilities

  • Helps emotions move through our bodies

  • Provides an outlet for self expression

  • Strengthens the connection we have with our bodies

Of course, you can guess that yoga is my movement of choice. In my classes I try to ensure that we move mindfully through every part of the body, plus we also practice breath work, and discuss various wellness concepts.

If you want to practice yoga being present with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
