Lessons From Camping

Last weekend my husband and I took our teardrop trailer (affectionately called Whacky - like a queen-sized bed with a shell) to Lake Okeechobee, FL for a little getaway. It was really hot during the day, but the mornings and evenings were cool, and the RV resort we used had a beautiful pool. I’m embarrassed to say that the ONLY time I sit and read a book for hours, and otherwise do very little, is when I get away.

Some lessons I learned that I brought back with me:

  • Keep it simple. We packed basic foods to prepare in our mini galley, and ate out once at a local diner.

  • Go with the flow. Things don’t always go the way you planned, so it’s best to adjust and enjoy. Our dog Lulu’s travel pen didn’t arrive in time, so she got to stay with her “grandma” instead.

  • Get out in nature. We really enjoyed just observing the birds and plants surrounding our site, and in our walk around Lake O.

  • Explore, be curious. It’s fun to see what a new location is about: the history, what makes it unique, how it’s different from our home. This area was fairly rural, with lots of surrounding agriculture. We saw old school buses with the tops cut off used as watermelon transports.

  • Sometimes it’s good to do NOTHING. Lounging around felt downright decadent, but it was just what I needed! It was really just about being in the moment.

If you want to practice yoga being present with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
