Safe Backbends

The expression to “bend over backwards” implies doing something that is very strenuous or difficult. When I stated that we were doing backbends in classes last week, many students envisioned something like this picture.  

For many bodies this acrobatic yoga pose - called Wheel - is not attainable, and can be painful or even dangerous.  If the spine isn’t flexible enough, then attempting this creates more pressure on the low back, shoulders, or both. I have to say that it’s been many, many years since I was able to do Wheel pose (or even tried it).

However, there’s a more accessible “backbend,” which is a lengthening and gentle arching of the spine backwards, called Spinal Extension. We do this in the “Cow” portion of Cat/Cow, or when we stretch our arms out and back while lifting our chest and gaze.. A healthy spine can and should move through all of the different ways it is intended to.

This spinal extension is a counterpose to the slouching we do, when our shoulders are rounded forward and chest caved in. It broadens the chest, builds strength in the back muscles, and helps with breathing. Energetically, we may feel more confident, and open to the outside world. There’s more info in this article.

If you want to practice mindful yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
