Yoga Responsibly?

After weeks of work to help get my left shoulder and wrist out of pain and working properly, my chiropractor recently told me that I could test yoga poses that had been previously been off-limits. His actual words: “do yoga responsibly.”

What does that mean? I believe it means to practice physical yoga, or do any physical activity, with an awareness of your abilities, needs, and limitations. Not to be afraid, but to explore mindfully, without ego or competitiveness.

In this sense YOU are the teacher, and your body will let you know what it needs, if you listen. Use your interoception (sense of understanding and feeling what’s going on inside your body) and intuition to guide you. By the way, when I injured my shoulder 3 years ago, it was because I was NOT listening to my body and, out of ego, did some repetitive yoga poses I knew were a struggle for me.

I am simply the educator and guide to the shapes, transitions, breathing techniques, etc. I am not downplaying my role in any way, but ultimately only you know how these work for you.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
