Seasons Change


This past week I taught a chair dance to the 1965 song Turn! Turn!Turn! by The Byrds. You may know that the lyrics, written by Pete Seeger, are based on verses from the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 3, which are written about a proper time for everything.

The song (and the scripture) reminds me that we have different “seasons” in our lives too. The seasons are determined by so many factors: stage of life, health, world events, etc. There is a time for giving, and a time for receiving. A time for thinking, and a time for action. A time for Warrior poses, and a time for Savasana.

I decided to take a yoga class at a local studio last week, and discovered that it was a warm (not heated but no AC) and very active class. I remained for the whole 90 minutes, even if I took some type of rest pose for much of it. I was satisfied to finish it, and knew that staying out of my ego kept me from getting injured, or becoming miserable.

It is not the season for strenuous yoga for me right now, or maybe ever! I’ll stick to my mindful movement practice, which is also what I teach.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
