(This picture is courtesy of Another Approach Behavior Solutions)
I’m so fascinated with the mind/body connection, and I always like to learn new things to include in my own practice and share with my students.
Recently one of my students mentioned that she shakes her hands when she feels nervous or anxious. This reminded me of a technique I learned years ago that involves shaking and/or bouncing. I find that it can be calming AND energizing, depending on what is needed.
Our bodies accumulate tension when we are stressed, which causes a reaction in our nervous system, such as an elevated heart rate and blood pressure. When this stress lasts for long periods of time and is not released, it can cause long-term health issues.
Rapid movement, such as shaking, is an immediate action you can take to help dispel that excess energy, to help return to a more balanced nervous system. (Animals do it instinctively.)
According to this article from Healthline:
“The shaking or vibrating helps to release muscular tension, burn excess adrenaline, and calm the nervous system to its neutral state, thereby managing stress levels in the body.”
It’s pretty simple and intuitive, so give it a try: shake your head, body, hands, legs. Add bouncing up and down by bending at your knees (if standing) and let the rest of the body move loosely.
I hope that you can make some time for movement, including shaking. Your mind and body will thank you!
Be Well,