Yoga and Osteoporosis: Help For Your Bones

Eva doing Triangle Pose at the beach circa Fall 2020

I sometimes take chair yoga classes with other teachers, and I always learn something new. My friend and fellow teacher Deeann Kelly wrote up this summary from a Harvard study for her student group, and I thought it was a great share:

Osteoporosis and Yoga

Most of us already know that weight bearing exercises like walking, running, jumping and lifting can have an effect on bone density. But how can yoga help?

  • It makes a useful addition to your osteoporosis treatment plan

  • Builds muscle and bone strength

  • Eases pain

  • Encourages good posture

  • Improves flexibility

  • Improves stability

  • Improves agility

  • Develops mindful movement awareness

These benefits improve coordination and make daily movements easier, which helps reduce the risk of falling.

Studies are showing that practicing yoga for 12-15 minutes every day has a positive effect on bone mineral density. Many of the studies done are small, but according to, very promising. Gentle (hatha and yin) yoga is best, rather than more vigorous vinyasa flow types. If you are a beginner, seek out an experienced yoga teacher who is familiar with the poses which are more beneficial to ensure you are working with correct alignment and safe modifications.

Some of the beneficial poses suggested by studies are as follows

Ø  Tree pose – Helps with strength and balance

Ø  Triangle – Modified, so it is not a deep lateral bend

Ø  Warrior II – Helps stretch and strengthen and improve balance

Ø  Salambasana (locust) – Helps strengthen the back, helps improve posture

Ø  Bridge – Great posture improver and glute & leg strengthener

Ø  Plank – Lots of strength to improve balance and posture

Ø  Down Dog – Helps reinforce good alignment and strength

There are precautions with some yoga poses, in general never forcing deeper into positions like forward folds, twists or hip openers. Modifications can be made with the help of an experienced yoga teacher.

I hope that you can make some time for yoga. Your bones will thank you!

Be Well,
