Supporting Small Business

Happy Thanksgiving weekend!  Are you recovering from all the food and activity?  Are you being bombarded with "Black Friday" advertisements?  I know I am! 

Even though we're all affected by the "supply chain" problems (just look at gas and grocery prices for proof), we're really still so blessed to have so many things available to us conveniently.  With just a simple click of the mouse we can have food ready to pick up, and nearly anything delivered to our door.

Last Wednesday I stopped at the Flower Market near me and bought a beautiful fall bouquet.  I was really pleased by the quality, price, and selection.  The service was personal, efficient, and super friendly.  The woman who waited on me also reminded me that I'm supporting a small local business.

As a small yoga business owner, I am so aware that there is a TON of inexpensive or free yoga available out there.  My business coach once told me not to worry about all the competition, because most people prefer to go to someone they already know and trust. That advice has served me well over the past 6 years of teaching, and I'm honored and humbled that many of you continue to support my business. 

I often joke that what I choose to teach is about me, but in reality it's about YOU!  I believe that if I find things that help me ease back stiffness, build steadier balance, or even cope with anxiety, then it may benefit you too.

Here are some ways you can continue to support me in my efforts:

* Send me a note telling me if I've helped you in some way.  These really make my day! (Email is great, or my mailing address is below if you want to "snail" mail something). You can check out some student testimonials here.

* Check out FREE videos on my YouTube channel; like and Subscribe to the channel to be notified of new videos

* Leave a good review for my business on Google 

* Tell your friends and family about me.  I offer private sessions as well as group classes.

* Sign up for classes - here's my schedule

* Sign up for, or gift, a Video Library Membership to access 100s of videos to practice whenever and wherever you want

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you feel better in your unique body, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay safe, be well,  
