I Did 1 Pushup!

In all of my yoga classes I talk about how important it is to stay out of our ego, and just practice with the body we have today.  The most common phrase I hear from almost everyone begins with "I used to be able to. . .," but that doesn't help where we are NOW.

This is why it's embarrassing to tell you that back in May 2020 I hurt my left shoulder doing a push-up in an online yoga class.  Even though I knew I hadn't really been doing much strength work since the pandemic shutdown started, I decided to go for the full chaturanga pose (really a reverse push-up, where you bend elbows and lower to the ground from plank pose with legs straight). I heard a CRUNCH, and felt pain immediately that kept going for weeks.

My doctor did X-rays and confirmed I hadn't done any serious damage (unlike my injury many years before that required rotator cuff surgery and many months of rehab, after guess what?  Push-ups!)  Most likely I had a micro tear, sprain, or impingement.  Over the past 18 months or so I've been doing my shoulder strengthening exercises, resting when it became inflamed, and testing out gentle push-up variations.  

One day last week in my own practice, I explored by doing some standing pushups with my hands on the wall, then tried another version on the ground with my knees down, and felt good.  I finally tried the straight-leg version, and was excited to maintain the proper form all the way down.  Then I rested, deciding not to "push" it anymore that day.  

It's not that it's important to do a push-up - I can live without them just fine for the rest of my life.  What's important is to have functional mobility and strength that helps with everyday life, like lifting a bag of groceries, or getting something down from an overhead shelf.  To have this, you have to listen to your body, and give yourself permission to progress gradually.

Recently I've been integrating some strength training to some of my classes, using optional dumbbells, resistance bands, or a block.  I keep it simple and slow so everyone can find their own version that works for their body.

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you move better in YOUR body, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay safe, be strong,  
