
Remember when being "grounded" was a bad thing?  As kids we didn't want to be still, so being told we couldn't do an activity or be with friends was a terrible punishment!

As an adult, the idea of staying still actually sounds great to me.  Maybe it's just  because I travel around teaching yoga classes in multiple communities, in addition to my Zoom virtual classes.  To be honest, when I'm not teaching, grocery shopping, or cooking (oh yes and walking Lulu), I'm really a couch potato! 

In the yoga world, we use the term grounding to refer to a sense of stability, being present in your body and connected to the earth.  We sometimes use the words "centered" or "balanced" for this concept as well.  There's even a practice called Earthing, which involves stepping into nature with bare feet, which is said to transfer electrical charges from the earth to our body for positive effects. 

You don't have to stand in dirt, or do yoga to feel grounded.  You can simply pause whatever you are doing and just notice anything that is touching the floor, the chair you're sitting on, or even your bed.  Feel how gravity holds you on the earth, and let your mind stay in the present for a few breaths.  Grounding is a great way to take a break from holiday and year-end activity, and recharge.

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you feel more grounded, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Stay safe, be well,  
