Adult Temper Tantrum?

There are so many stories on the news about people acting out in public: on airplanes, in stores, or on the roads, just to name a few.  It seems that some people believe that anger and frustration are a justifiable reason to act terribly.

I think the constant change and uncertainty over the past 2 years have taken their toll.  Personally, I've been a little stressed figuring out all of the schedule changes as more in-person classes return  (it's actually a good problem to have), plus all of the extra holiday activities and traffic.  

Do you know that there's a way to handle frustration and stress, without suppressing feelings, or lashing out at others?  There's actually a practice called Tantrum Yoga:

The yoga teacher in the article encourages "students to let out their stresses and frustrations by screaming, yelling, stomping, chest-pounding and, inevitably, laughing."

All you really need to do is yell while you move your body in any way you want. (You may want to warn the members of your household, or close neighbors first).  Then take a deep breath and let it go with a sigh, pause and notice.  It's a good emotional release and can be done in the privacy of your home (or car, as needed).

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you release stress, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Happy Holidays!  
