Teetering On The Edge?

Happy almost August!

I'm still recovering from something called De Quervain's Tenosynovitis (tendinitis in my left wrist), but am doing much better.

I was thinking about Teeter-Totters recently - also a called See-Saw - that I played on as a kid.  It was fun to try and balance both ends, but scary if the other person jumped off!

What made me think about this was the imagery of trying to keep an even reaction to life's changes.  Sometimes we refer to our reaction to these changes as a roller-coaster with its big ups and downs as we hurtle along. 

However, I like the idea of the teeter-totter in that there are 2 sides balancing on a center point.  A heavier object (body) on one end tilts it to one side, unless equal or heavier weight is added at the other.  It can also be balanced by moving both weights closer to the center. 

When we feel centered in life, the ups and downs feel gentler.  When life's changes start to feel crazy, we know that there's something we can do to rebalance.  It's also OK to get off the ride and take a break (and do some yoga)!

If you want to practice yoga with me to even out life's ups and down, I provide many yoga options,  including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,  
