The Power of AND

If you are in the U.S., or probably anywhere in the world, you may recognize how polarized we have become in political, religious, and lifestyle beliefs. You may have strong opinions on many things - I do too.

However, there is a vast difference between thinking that your choice is the best one for you, and believing that there is ONE right way to think, do, or be. Many things can be true at the same time; not everything has to be either / or.

Here’s a fun example: you can argue with someone about whether chocolate is better than vanilla ice cream (or whatever flavor you like). This thinking is using the assumption that you can only choose one. But what if you could have both? Chocolate AND vanilla, why not?

That one word AND creates opportunity. Another example: you can be both anxious about something new coming in the future AND excited about it. This article on is a pretty interesting read, if you want to get more in-depth.

Obviously that won’t work with everything, but it’s so helpful to embrace the concept for more possibilities. One more example, related to yoga: “My hand hurts, so I can’t do yoga” can become “My hand hurts, AND I can still do the yoga poses that don’t bother my hand.”

I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, AND be.

Be Well,
