Where Is Your Energy Going?


If you take classes with me, you may notice that I often announce an area of the body we are focusing on in the class. Although I generally make sure we work through all of the body, I will ask you to send special awareness to a specific area.

For example, last week I focused on knees: function, types of movement, strengthening or stretching poses, and modifications to try.

We can take the same basic pose and notice so many different aspects of it. To illustrate, consider Mountain Pose (basically standing or sitting with good alignment), where you could observe any of these individually:

  • Feet/toes where they connect to the ground

  • Calves and shins

  • Hips and/or glutes

  • Core muscles surrounding the trunk

  • Spine shape and the whole back

  • Shoulders

  • Arms and hands

  • Neck and head

Where you send your attention is where you may notice sensations, and explore subtle movement variations. You may do this naturally when you have an area that’s in pain or not working well, but really it works anytime and anywhere in the body.

Similarly, in life, where you focus your thoughts is where your efforts will also go. Maybe you’ve shopped for a new car sometime, and through preliminary research decided on a specific model, make, or color. As you look around in your normal travels suddenly it seems that everywhere you look you see that type of car. It’s not that those cars magically appear, but that your brain is now picking them out.

If your thoughts are that powerful, then why not put them to good use by directing them in a constructive way? Instead of watching the news again, or scrolling through social media for another hour, would it be more useful to read something inspirational (like my newsletter 😊), or put good music on, even if for a few minutes?

I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, and direct your energy well.

Be Well,
