When Ignorance Is NOT Bliss

I took this picture at Blind Creek Beach, just south of Ft. Pierce, FL, where my husband and I visited last weekend. Side note: it’s a clothing-optional beach, which we didn’t know until we walked up and saw the signs. We opted to keep our clothing on, but many did not - very interesting experience!

The quote from John Maxwell, posted on Grateful Living, captured my attention this week. We often think of the opposite of knowing as ignorance, which is simply a lack of knowledge. However, believing that you already know something can shut off your mind to learning anything new.

Have you ever known someone who acted as if they knew everything? When you try to have a discussion, they’re not really listening and maybe even cut you off with their beliefs instead, sometimes to show how smart they are. That person is closed-minded, not open to understanding anything outside of their realm of knowledge, and misses out on so much.

By acknowledging our ignorance on a subject, we start from a blank slate, ready to absorb new information. This is one reason why it is important to approach your yoga practice with a beginner’s mind: open to exploring and discovery.

The older I get, the more I realize that is so much I DON’T KNOW, but I will stay open to acquiring and sharing knowledge, especially about our bodies and minds.

I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, and LEARN with me.

Be Well,
