Yoga and Life: Magical AND Messy

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Wow June is almost over! Where did half the year go? I can’t believe I’m planning for July already.

This picture, which came from, displays a fascinating quote from author Kristi Nelson. What really intrigued me about the image quote is that it demonstrates the dichotomy of life.

Dichotomy definition (per Oxford languages): a division or contrast between two things that are or are represented as being opposed or entirely different.

We think of grief and joy as being opposite, for example, but they can exist at the same time. We can experience joy in a cherished memory, or anticipation of a special event, at the same time as we are grieving a loss.

This applies in yoga philosophy as well. The principle called Satya (truthfulness) invites us to embrace what actually IS, as it is. Even though we often say “I’m fine” when asked, we can be truthful internally (and with those close to us) and acknowledge the moment’s reality.

When it comes to yoga movement (asana), practicing balance poses is one place where many of us find this polarity. Sometimes it’s messy and we’re all over the place, struggling to find steadiness. Other times it clicks and feels magical, if even for just a moment.

Embrace it all, I say. That’s Life and Yoga. I hope you can make some time to move, breathe, and BE.

Be Well,
