Tips For Virtual Classes

The picture above, by HumorNama made me laugh, because that’s how I feel when I take an online class. My poses usually look nothing like the teacher’s, and I sometimes wonder if I’m doing it “right,” while trying to see what’s happening on-screen.

Yoga videos have been around for decades (hello Jane Fonda), but in recent years there’s been an explosion of online content, both live-streaming and recorded classes. Many yoga teachers I know have switched exclusively to online.

Conversely, I went from several Zoom classes a week during 2020, to just 1 in 2022. I recently put my Zoom class on hold, although I still use Zoom to work with private clients who aren’t local. I have over 160 videos from recording all of those Zoom classes!

I find that most of my students benefit from interacting face-to-face with me and other students, and it's easier for me to observe them. (However, there still is that percentage of students that really enjoy practicing from home.) Personally, I find I’m more focused when I go to a class, and it feels special.

With my schedule I just can’t make it to many classes in person, because I’m usually teaching when they’re being offered. So I do take online yoga classes, mostly recorded, because I can practice when I have the time. I’m grateful to have the choice, and to practice with some of my favorite teachers who live in other states.

Here’s some tips for getting the best experience from practicing yoga from a video:

  • Dedicate the time. Put your practice slot on your calendar, just as you would a class that’s being held at a specific time. It’s so easy to procrastinate!

  • Set up the space. Set aside a spot within your home, maybe a section of your bedroom or living room, and make it feel inviting for yoga.

  • Stay focused. Turn off your phone ringer and computer notifications. Let family and friends know you’re offline for personal yoga time.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
