Wanting What You Have

At one of the yoga sessions at my Ecuador retreat the leader Jacqueline Burbage said that her mother taught her “want what you have and you’ll always have what you want". It’s been on my mind ever since. I found different versions of the statement online, from various authors, but liked the simplicity of the one in the graphic above.

My logical mind wants to dissect it: does this mean that we can’t want or have more? And what about when we have something like anxiety or a chronic disease?

It’s easy to dwell on what’s missing, wrong, or bad in our lives. Our very economy and society is built on creating a need to buy something we don’t have, to achieve more, to be more.

Here's my take so far: when we appreciate all that we possess, it creates a feeling of “enough-ness,” maybe even contentment. For example, our possessions, special relationships, and personal qualities.

This statement may not resonate with everyone. I'd love to hear your thoughts as to whether it makes sense to you. I'm still pondering.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
