Lessons From Ecuador

I just spent a week in Ecuador on a yoga retreat, provided by my friend Jacqueline Burbage, a lovely Yoga Therapist who has The InBody Journey. The picture above is San Lorenzo beach, in Manabi, Ecuador. The beach was very different from the one where I live in Boynton Beach, FL: more rustic and natural. Facing west, the sunsets were fabulous!

The villas where I, and 6 other ladies (ages ranging from almost-25 to 73), stayed were modern, new, and very luxurious. I can’t possibly list everything about the experience here, but I’m sure it will come out in bits and pieces as I integrate it into my life. It was transformational.

Besides twice-daily yoga practices, we had flavorful fresh food prepared by local food artisans using the beautiful produce and seafood of the area. There were excursions to explore hiking in a rain forest, mud baths and sulfur springs, a local surfer / hippie town with yoga on the river, and even a fun shopping trip for souvenirs. We all bonded and supported each other through discussions about dreams and life’s challenges.

How I felt at the end of the retreat was so profound that I can hardly put it into words yet. Bear with me as I share over the coming weeks, but here’s a start:

Making time to care for myself in such an uplifting and nourishing setting taught me that I need to release the heaviness of burdens that aren’t mine to carry. I am committed to bringing that sense of lightness and ease into my life EVERY DAY, and sharing ideas about this with my students.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

In Peace & Health,
