Photo credit to The Health Project
When you think about improving your health, do you mostly think about eating right, or more exercise? The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as 'a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.'
The Circle of Life wheel picture above comes from The Health Project, and is a representation of various areas that affect our quality of life: physical activity, food, home environment, relationships, social life, joy, spirituality, creativity, finances, career, health, and education. I would suggest that "Health" really encompasses all of the areas, ideally in balance.
You may have other factors that are important to you. I would probably add adequate sleep / rest, and mental health too. If one of these things is out of whack, it can affect your overall health.
As an exercise, try putting a dot in each wedge: closer to the center if it's an area you aren't satisfied with; closer to the edge if it's an area you feel good about. Connect the dots and you have a picture of where you are out of balance. Pick one most important to you, and identify one simple thing you can do to improve it.
I haven't mentioned this recently, but I am an holistic health coach, as well as a yoga teacher. Please feel free to reach out to me for support. I don't promise to have all the answers, but I do have access to lots of great resources.
If you want to practice yoga with me to help you stay healthy, I provide many yoga options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.