Joy or Enjoy?

When I asked some students this week about whether there's a difference between enjoyment and joy, I received some puzzled looks and some thoughtful ones.

I had to pause when I heard this part of a TV interview with Ron King @ronking_nyc, who used to be a high powered executive, but now runs a donkey sanctuary farm. 

What's the difference?  I think of enjoyment as anything that gives momentary pleasure; whereas joy comes from what makes me feel uplifted.
From the article:  While trying to determine if he could tackle the challenge of running a donkey farm, he came to a new self-discovery: “I enjoy Gucci suits, and my Mercedes AMG, and eating at the great restaurants and valet parking at the movie theater,” he muses. “But they didn't bring me any joy. What brings me joy…[is] either connection or impact,” he says. “Connection to someone or something, or having an impact on my world in some way.”

What brings me joy is: spending time with loved ones, being in nature, reading, and of course yoga!  What about you - what lifts you up?

If you want to practice yoga with me to help you increase joy, I provide many yoga options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Joyful,  
