Eye Love

Bird's-Eye View refers to being able to see things from a wider perspective, literally and figuratively.  The expression "Eagle Eye" is used to describe someone with sharp vision, and good attention to detail.  Of course vision is extremely important to humans as well as birds.

I received this article from NVISION, a community of surgeons, optometrist partners, and employees dedicated to helping people live better by seeing better. The article discusses how eyesight can be affected by neurological conditions, such as Alzheimer's, and the impact to help people affected, including caregivers.

This reminded me of eye movements we sometimes do in my classes - I had almost forgotten about them until recently.  Eye Yoga is not intended to address severe conditions, but can reduce eye strain from too much time looking at devices.

What Is Eye Yoga?
(Yoga & Eye Health, Eye Care Institute)

Eye yoga refers to specific exercises that engage all of the ocular muscles that support eye movement. These exercises help improve the flexibility in these muscles and help you focus better.

Common eye yoga exercises include:

  • deliberately and repeatedly looking up and down, then left and right

  • closing your eyes for several seconds to increase moisture on your eyeballs

  • warming your palms and then placing them over your closed eyes

  • choosing an object and staring at it without blinking. During this exercise, focus and unfocus your eyes

Watch for some eye yoga in classes this week!

If you want to practice yoga with me to help you reduce stress, I provide many yoga options, including  group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,  
