Courtesy of Sweatpants And Coffee, LLC
One of my high school friends regularly posts on Facebook that she has a big to-do list in the morning, or that she didn't get enough done in the evening. I'm one of those list people too: I have a running grocery list, a list of personal and business tasks and plans, and online shopping carts on various websites.
It's BECAUSE of this chronic need to DO and PLAN that yoga appealed to me so much as a new student 18 years ago. Moving through the teacher-guided poses helped keep my mind more focused and present. However, Savasana (final relaxation) was tough at first, because I kept thinking about what I should be doing.
Learning to simply BE has been the biggest gift of yoga and meditation in my life, learning that my worth is not based on what I accomplish, but who I am. So instead of endless tasks, maybe I can just start a To Be list.
If you would like to explore yoga to help you connect to inner stillness, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.