Watercolor Artwork by Madison Bright
You can buy this here
As we move into 2022, I want to share this Loving Kindness Meditation with you, as pictured above. If you were in my classes last week you probably heard this during the class, and especially as a guided meditation at the end.
I'm writing this a few days before it goes out. As of this writing I am preparing to teach my last classes of the week/year, and looking forward to an anniversary weekend with my husband.
We got married on 1/1/2005 in Las Vegas, probably the only place in the U.S. you can get married on New Year's Day (and no we didn't do a drive-through wedding, or get married by Elvis lol). It was also exactly 2 years from our first date on 1/1/2003. So it's a special day for us, not only as the beginning of a new year, but also for our lives together.
I believe that we can set an intention for our lives each day, and by living with that intention in our hearts, we can influence the world around us. May we treat each other with kindness and compassion, and lift each other up as we move through life's challenges together, in 2022 and beyond.
If you would like to explore yoga to support you through the New Year, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.