Constructive Rest

Photo courtesy of YogaUOnline

In my opinion, the best yoga pose of all time is Constructive Rest, pictured above. It's a simple pose: reclined with knees bent and feet flat. And yes, it counts as a yoga practice!

I think of it as a reset, good for any time in the day. It's "constructive" because it allows you to consciously relax, while the body is supported. The spine is in a neutral position, muscles soften, and attention turns inward to notice sensations and breathing. I read that it also allows the inner organs, bones, and connective tissue to "reorganize."

There are many options to customize the pose to your preference:

* On your bed or sofa if the floor isn't available to you
* Pillow or blanket under the head and/or knees
* Hands on the belly, or arms out to the side
* Knees gently drifting in toward each other (take the heels wider)
* Legs draped over a chair
* A piece of fabric covering the eyes - lavender oil is a bonus!

Whether you spend 3 or 30 minutes in the pose, let it nourish and restore you. Then you can decide whether to do more yoga, take a nap, or get on with your day!

If you want to practice yoga with me , I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,  
