Is Yoga a Cure-All?

Photo courtesy of My Big Fat Cuban Family

As a kid I remember my mom rubbing Vicks on my chest when I had a cold;  my husband (who is Cuban) says his family used Vicks for everything.  If you saw the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding, you may recall that the dad character uses Windex as if it's a wonder drug that can cure anything from psoriasis to poison ivy.  Chicken soup is another "cure" that comes to mind (although it's proven to have many healing qualities).

Sometimes yoga teachers talk about yoga as if it can cure anything - I'm guilty of that sometimes.  As the saying goes, when you have a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

I know that yoga doesn't do everything, though.  For example, if you want to build upper body strength, resistance training is probably a better tool. If you're suffering from severe depression or anxiety, then please seek out a mental health professional.

However, yoga does have so much to offer, which is why I love and teach it.  I believe it's a multi-faceted practice that can benefit us in so many ways, like these:

🌲Increased and maintained mobility, strength, and flexibility

🌲Better mental health through mindfulness

🌲Nervous system regulation using breathing techniques

🌲Improved balance and coordination

🌲Better sense of connection and community

So yoga is a pretty great tool, even if it's not a cure-all!

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,  
