I Feel Your Pain (sort of)

Empathy Is My Super Power

One of my students told me recently that she likes my classes because she thought that I could relate to how the students feel.

This particular lovely lady is in her 80s. She loves that I moan and groan along with the group, and sometimes fail at a pose. I share adjustments I make for my own body, and suggest some for them, or invite them to explore.

At 57 (about to be 58 next week), I know that my body and experiences are different from my students, but there are many similarities. Here's just a little of what I have dealt with in my life - and much of it is ongoing:

😧 Neck and Back pain from bad posture and sitting at a desk for too many hours/years in my previous career

😧 Plantar Fasciitis foot painthat acts up randomly

😧 Rotator cuff surgery / shoulder injury

😧Anxiety that keeps me awake sometimes

😧Mental fog

😧 Worries about loss of strength and balance as I get older

I don't claim to have all the answers, but I DO know that mindful yoga, breathing, and meditation helps me live a better life. Yes, I do have 300+ hours of ongoing training and probably 1,000s of hours of teaching experience. But I also feel much of what you feel.

If you would like to explore yoga that helps you live your best life, you can work with me in group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Safe, Live Well,  
