How’s Your Balance?

How was your January? Can you believe that today we are already almost 10% of the way into 2024?

Last month was a blur for me. On top of my husband and I getting sick for a few days, we had other unexpected (and expensive) stuff happen like: a big roof repair, replacing my husband’s cell phone when it went blank, and now a hybrid car battery replacement!

Perfect balance in life rarely lasts, no matter how much you try to prepare. We can feel as if everything is running well one moment, and then all of a sudden there are unforeseen events to manage. Sometimes multiple events - as they say “when it rains, it pours” (from Morton Salt Company, interestingly).

It’s like that with physical balance, too. Some days we may feel very steady and stable; others very wobbly and off-center. In my opinion, the best way to regain a sense of balance, or steadiness, is to pause and breathe, then proceed with mindfulness.

I love the word Equanimity, which is defined as: “mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.” It’s one of the best tools we have when everything feels out of control.

Be Well,


Plans Out The Window!

In 1785 Robert Burns wrote “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” (adapted from a line in “To A Mouse”), and it still holds true today. I don’t know about mice, but humans love to plot out their lives, assuming this will make things happen.

Last week was a perfect example. I had a full class schedule on my calendar, I prepared what I was going to teach my classes, and organized my personal appointments. I was ready for a successful week.

After teaching my Monday morning class I went home with a stomachache. I skipped lunch but rested before going to my afternoon class . About 40-45 minutes in, I got lightheaded then literally sick to my stomach and had to rush to the bathroom. Many thanks to the students who showed concern and helped me out!

I was out of commission the rest of the day and through Tuesday, easing back into teaching one class Wednesday, and subbing the other. I really don’t know what happened, except that my husband also got sick shortly after me, so it seems to be something we ate, or maybe a bug going around.

Needless to say, our plans for the week got disrupted as we rested, regained our energies, and attempted some of our home routines (still in progress). It’s a lesson in humility, but also awareness that life continues even when things don’t go as planned. Let’s hope next week goes better. . .

Be Well,


Are You TOO Comfortable?

This graphic by @dinosaurcouch is funny, but all too real for many of us who love to be comfortable (including myself). Going through the pandemic, when many of us were home a lot and sometimes anxious, I know that I spent much more time on the sofa than ever in my life.

Recently I watched a Foundation Training (FT) video with actor Jeff Bridges, where he said he wasn’t a big exercise person, because he was “addicted to comfort” (read more in this article). FT has become his go-to to regain strength and stability after a hard-fought battle with cancer and COVID.

What Jeff Bridges said helps him when moving through the exercises is to focus on the details of what he’s doing: feeling the feet on the ground, adjusting posture, noticing breathing, etc.

Last week I wrote about the difference between pain and discomfort, plus I always say “don’t do anything that hurts.” However, avoiding all effort is not healthy either.

Rest is important when you’re sick or recovering from an injury, but in order for us to maintain and improve mobility, flexibility, strength, balance, and resilience, we need to move and get uncomfortable sometimes. We can find our “edge,” mindfully explore what it feels like to move just beyond that comfort zone, then benefit from the results.

Be Well,


No Pain!

I’m sure you’ve heard the expression “No Pain, No Gain,” often referring to exercise. The premise is that you must be willing to suffer to get results.

Yoga movement is different from standard exercise. This past week in classes I had several students (mostly new) ask about how much they should “push” or endure what we were doing to get benefits.

Mindful movement is something to appreciate and explore, and yoga is intended to ease suffering. You may come to class in pain, but yoga should never increase your pain.

Pain is the body’s way of telling you that you are in danger of harm. True pain is sharp, burning, stabbing, or possibly a sensation of electrical tingling. It does NOT decrease if you keep going, but rather intensifies.

Discomfort is different from pain, and it’s important to be able to differentiate between the two. Using your body in ways you may not be used to can be uncomfortable, but also beneficial as you increase mobility, strength, and flexibility.

To test this out, use your breath as a cue. I often say that if you are holding your breath to maintain a pose, you’ve gone too far. However, if you feel achy or stiff, it’s worth a try to take some calm, deep breaths and see if the feeling eases or improves. When in doubt, leave it out!

Be Well,


Happy New Year!

I’m back from taking 2 weeks off. Some of the time was for R&R (a nice camping trip to a winery just 1.5 hours north of us); some of it was catching up on household and business tasks.

I need time periodically to clear clutter, reorganize, and plan ahead. I really enjoy starting the new year with a clear mindset, because winter is my busiest time as a yoga teacher.  

While we are being bombarded with messages telling us to do more, be better, lose weight, save money, join a challenge, etc. in 2024, I’m going to say something different.

You don’t need to work on being a “new you” just because the calendar changed over. If you do enjoy challenges, or want to tackle a goal, then do it because you want that for yourself, not because of societal pressure.

Don’t let external pressure make you feel bad about yourself. Appreciate the body you have, just as it is, and every good thing in your life. If you have health issues, or you’re struggling in some way, please make time for self-care for better physical and mental health.

Wishing You Many Blessings in 2024,


Farewell 2023

I just want to drop a quick note over these last few days of 2023 to let you know that I am glad we are connected in some way.

I look back on this year with great pleasure over the time and energy I shared with literally hundreds of yoga students, whether it was by Zoom, in-person group classes, or private clients, plus lots of emails!

You gave me so much, too: I learn how to teach better by watching you, enjoy when you share your life stories, AND I received so many generous gifts!

I’m wishing you a great end to 2023, and many blessings in 2024.

Happy New Year Ahead,


Grounding For The Holidays

I am taking a couple of weeks off. Some time to catch up on year-end business and home stuff, and also to travel for our wedding anniversary. I will probably make some time to put my feet in the sand like in this picture.

As someone who tends to be a chronic planner and worrier, one of the ways I handle the busyness of this time of year is to make time for activities that help me feel steady and calm. One is being in nature, such as walking on the beach. Another is sitting on my mat (often with Lulu by my side) for some breathwork with gentle movement and stretches.

Last week I received a lovely comment from a student who said that the way I teach is very grounding. I felt that was a big compliment, because my intention is to offer an experience that makes students feel better in their bodies AND their minds.

Yoga is intended to relieve suffering. If you feel anxious or down mentally and emotionally, it doesn’t matter how fit and/or flexible you are. Good mental health IS essential for overall health. I wish you the best as this year wraps up, and in the approach to a new one.

Happy Holidays,


Why Do Yoga?

If you have taken a yoga class, what was your main motivation for trying it?  Is it the same today? (By the way, if you have practiced yoga within the past 6 months, you are considered a practitioner.)

I sought out yoga almost 20 years ago to help me with back pain and work stress; today those have taken a back seat to overall health and wellness as a motivator, as well as a sense of connection to life and self (spiritual and personal development).

I just read a “Yoga in the World“ study conducted by ©Yoga Alliance in 2022, and want to share part of it with you.  The study sought to track yoga trends around the globe, as well as public perception and barriers that prevent individuals from practicing yoga.

In the study practitioners were asked “Which of the following reasons motivated you to start practicing yoga? Select all that apply.”  Here are the reasons listed in the US, ranked by most cited to least:

51% Stress relief / reduction

46% Flexibility

45% Improve overall health

34% General fitness / conditioning

29% Personal development

27% Spiritual development

25% Weight Loss

24% Physical Therapy

I thought it was interesting that in 2016 Flexibility was the top motivator for U.S. practitioners.  It seems that either world developments have increased stress, or people are more aware of yoga’s ability to help relieve it (or maybe both).

Whatever your reasons, I do hope that you find a way to practice as 2023 winds down, and we set our sights on 2024.

Be Well,


Don’t Rob Yourself!

I don’t completely agree with this quote by Theodore Roosevelt, although I do understand its overall meaning. It’s human nature to compare things: whether someone is taller, richer, more flexible, or stronger. Comparison is simply noticing when 2 things are similar or dissimilar - no harm in that.

What robs us of joy is when that comparison turns into something destructive vs. constructive: resentment, jealousy, or a feeling of inadequacy. This can happen with anything: our appearance, our possessions, even how we move in yoga class.

My introduction to yoga began with a friend and teacher who was tall, thin, and super flexible. She made a Warrior II series look like powerful ballet, with a big stance and deep knee bend, long arms floating gracefully. In comparison, I felt short, stubby, and awkward.

After I got past the initial embarrassment, I discovered something: even though my poses didn’t look anything like hers I still felt good after class, so something was working. When we let go of what we think we SHOULD do, and simply focus on what works for OUR BODY, we can reclaim that joy of mindful movement.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


What's Your December Energy?

Every time December comes around, I experience so many emotions: excitement, dread, joy, sadness, and even anxiety. From talking to others I have discovered I’m not alone.

It’s easy to get caught up in planning for the holidays (gift giving, social events, travel), and anticipating the new year just ahead. It’s also a time many of us look back and reflect on the year that has passed.

I find it difficult to stay on an even keel this time of year, so it’s time to pull out ALL the tools to help. For me this includes movement, breath work, meditation, and time in nature, and even naps! I also plan to take a Reiki Level 1 training as one of my strategies.

My intention this December is to be present, as best as I can. To experience the moments, small and big, in each day. To listen and observe with my whole being, and to spend undistracted time with loved ones.

If you want to practice yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


I'm Stumped

Sometimes it happens. I just drew a blank when I started to prepare this post. Last week was really eventful, and my mind is on upcoming Thanksgiving plans.

I’ve been writing these weekly posts since April 2020 (close to 200 weeks!), so I hope you understand when I’m not always eloquent.

I decided to draw inspiration from 2 artists: a colorful picture (above, by Raimond Klavins) that feels like fall, and this quote I found last week (shared in some classes):

Choosing to have joy is not naively thinking everything will be easy. It is courageously believing that there is still hope, even when things get hard.


I hope that you have a good week, and a wonderful Thanksgiving to all who observe.

Be Well,


Our Bodies Change

There are so many factors that affect, and change, our bodies each day.

We gain or lose weight. We get into accidents, or get sick. Bodies change after giving birth, going through menopause, or having major surgery. When we’re children we go through growth spurts; as we age we can lose some height and muscle mass, as well as mobility.

No matter what size, shape, age, or condition our body is in, we need the same things: nourishment, water, sleep, and movement are at the top. In our modern world we also need to know how to manage stress for our bodies to work well.

You can probably guess that yoga is my movement of choice, even though it’s not the only kind. I love yoga because it adapts to our needs as our bodies change, and can be accessible to EVERY BODY.

If you want to practice mindful yoga, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


Flow or Hold?

In classes last week, I decided to offer more “flowing” than I usually teach. In case you don’t know what this means, in yoga to flow often means to move continuously from one pose to another, with movements tied to the breath. This is typical in a vinyasa class, and other types of yoga.

The feedback I received in some classes was that the students preferred flowing to holding. I do listen, so always feel free to speak up.

The advantage of flowing, in my opinion, that it feels good to keep moving; it can be uplifting, like a dance. Also, you don’t have to spend much time in a pose you don’t enjoy! Other potential benefits are that you may increase your heart rate, and you use brain power to learn the sequences, which is good for memory.

The main disadvantage of flowing is that, if you don’t understand what’s going on, or need more time to transition, the class may have already moved on to the next pose. Believe me, I’ve been in those classes where I get lost, or even injured!

Some advantages of holding a pose for multiple breaths: time for exploration, building strength/flexibility, and steadiness. Taking time allows you to find the right way to position your body that works for you. In some poses you build strength and stability in long holds, especially if you focus on contracting or engaging muscles. (You may have discovered this with Foundation Training exercises that I teach, too.)

When you stay in a pose for a while, there’s a sense of steadiness in mind and body as you commit to that position, by tapping into your breath and inner discipline to maintain it. You may even break a sweat! Longer holds in passive stretches can also benefit our nervous systems as we down-regulate for more calmness. It seems to me the main disadvantage of this type of practice is simply boredom, or feeling “stuck” or discouraged when that particular pose is difficult or not enjoyable. (The good thing is that YOU decide when you’re done with a pose!)

I will usually offer both options, sometimes alternating between the two. What’s fun is learning a set of poses slowly, one at a time, then putting them together into a flowing sequence.

If you want to practice mindful movement, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


Back To Life

I’ve just returned from a week-long vacation.  My husband and I spent a few days in St. Augustine, FL, touring the historic city and visiting the 1874 Lighthouse Tower.  We actually climbed the 219 steps to the top, AND back down (I felt it for days)!  

After that we parked our campervan (pictured above) at Ormond Beach, and just relaxed. It was breezy but beautiful, and we got to do some Yoga and Foundation Training on the beach itself, plus lots of people watching.

The trip was just what I needed to clear my head: from news, from family drama, and from business planning.  Although my plate is already full, I’ve been getting busier as more communities want yoga, and snowbirds start to return.  

I believe that I can offer my students the best experience when I take the time to ground and refresh myself. I hope to bring that energy into classes this week.

If you want to practice mindful movement, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


Life As Usual?

At the time of this writing, I am preparing for a weekend camping getaway with my husband Luis and the infamous Lulu (our English Bulldog). I’m looking forward to some beach time, then an actual week-long vacation beginning 10/20.

Like many, my emotions were all over the place this past week. While my personal and business life is pretty good at the moment, I worry about close family members and friends who are dealing with challenging situations. In addition, watching what’s developing in Israel is very frightening and heart-wrenching when we see the toll that war is taking on so many innocent lives.

I ask myself: how can I continue to offer yoga classes, as if nothing has changed? The answer is this: I intend to create and hold a space for everyone to find sanctuary and self-care amidst chaos.

It’s so important to find that place where we can draw comfort, strength, and calmness, especially when confronted with situations we can’t control. I find that space when I connect mind, body, and breath; coming into the present moment can help me determine appropriate action.

If you want to practice mindful movement and meditation with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


The Best Tool For Health?

“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as a nail.” 

~ Abraham Maslow

I believe that we often see solutions from the perspective of what we already know or possess. We are limited to this unless we are open to learning and experiencing new things.

Here are a few tools I’ve used in my own journey to wellness:

  • When I needed help dealing with a very stressful time of my life, I worked with a mental health therapist.

  • I wanted to learn more about how to eat properly, so I studied holistic nutrition, and then became a health coach.

  • I discovered yoga as a way to feel better in my mind AND body, then studied to become a yoga teacher. The broader practice of yoga includes breathwork (Pranayama), which is extremely powerful.

  • Most recently I learned about Foundation Training, which has specific exercises to help us correct imbalances from modern day life. I continue to study FT, and am now a certified trainer.

  • Meditation and other stress-relieving techniques like EFT tapping and healing vibration music are also in my tool bag.

Fortunately, yoga as a whole does contain so much that is beyond the poses, so it still is my primary go-to as a life practice.

I believe that the more wellness tools I learn, the more it helps me, and I have more to share with my students for THEIR wellness.

If you want to practice mindful movement and learn wellness with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


Steady Mind For Better Everything

Welcome to October!

This past week in classes I shared a practice called Sa Ta Na Ma. It comes from Kundalini yoga, and is often used as a chant and/or meditation. I’ve discovered that it is also used to help people suffering from PTSD, children with autism, and anyone with anxiety.

Repeating a mantra connected to tactile sensation can be a very effective way to steady and calm the mind. I find that with a steadier mind, I do better with balance, with decision-making, and even sleep better.

To practice, touch your thumb to one finger at a time (index finger 1st, or starting with the pinkie in) and say or think one syllable with each finger, then repeat for as long as you like.

You may simply enjoy the sound vibrations, but here’s one explanation of what the sounds represent:

Sa = Infinity

Ta = Birth

Na = Death

Ma = Rebirth

This mantra can also signify letting go of old patterns, and welcoming new ones that support you in becoming who you were meant to be. If you prefer, you can use an English Language phrase that is also 4 syllables, such as “I am peaceful,” or any phrase that has special meaning to you. Here’s an article that explains more.

If you find that your mind wanders a lot when you’re trying to rest, give Sa Ta Na Ma a try!

If you want to practice mindful movement and meditation with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


Seasons Change

“How beautifully leaves grow old. How full of light and color are their last days.”

― John Burroughs

The beginning of fall does bring to mind changing of leaf colors, and cooler temperatures. Here in South Florida we don’t get much of those color changes, but there is already a slight cooling of temperatures that gives us a much-welcome relief from summer.

The poem reminds me that aging is not something to dread or disdain. I believe there is much to admire in growing wisdom, adapting to a changing body, and less regard for maintaining a certain image.

As I turned 60 last week I was reminded by many students, friends, and family members that the concept of age is really relative to each person’s unique experience. (Many thanks to all of you who said 60 was still young!)

Some People in their 30s suffer from chronic health issues and pain; others I know in their 80s are still very vital and mobile. Most of us fall somewhere in the middle of this spectrum, doing the best we can with what we have.

I celebrated that milestone, AND accomplished something I thought was pretty cool: I passed my test to become a Foundation Training Certified Level 1 instructor! Although many I trained with were fitness / medical professionals or athletes, I knew that I brought a unique perspective to the training because I understood how it would help those of us who are over 50 live better in our bodies.

If you want to practice mindful Yoga and Foundation Training with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


My Birthday Gift

I’m celebrating a “milestone” birthday very soon.

Instead of dreading it, I’ve been mentally preparing myself for a few months by observing and talking to wonderful people I know who are my age or older, listening to comments, complaints, and advice. I’ve also been taking “inventory” of what’s good in my life.

I know the years bring some challenges in my body and life, yet I recognize it’s also a privilege to grow older, because it’s something many don’t get to do.

My personal yoga practice, and teaching, has changed over the 20 or so years since I first discovered it. There are many poses I can’t (or choose not to) do anymore, but I have gained better awareness and respect for my body, as well as a deeper insight into what yoga is to me, besides the poses.

My birthday wish is to enjoy life with my family and friends, to stay healthy, and to be able to continue to share yoga and movement with you.

If you want to practice mindful yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,


The Beauty of Stillness

Photo courtesy of Holistic Yoga School, from this article.

I’m one of those people who finds it difficult to be still. Can you relate to this? I always have something on my “to do” list waiting for me, and find myself squeezing last minute chores in between things on my schedule.

When this tendency starts to affect my mood, mental clarity, or ability to relax or sleep well, I know that what I need most is stillness. When I can just SIT, BREATH, and BE, without doing, I can reconnect to my body, my breath, and my life.

I also use this technique when I have a big decision to make, but feel paralyzed by all of the options. I often find that important choices are being influenced by: ego, what I think I “should do,” what others think, and just pure desire. After taking some time to meditate, the best choice usually becomes clear, and I feel right with the decision (even if it’s to do nothing).

FYI, I wrote everything above myself, but here’s something I got from ChatGPT, when I was trying to decide what to write. It’s artificial intelligence (AI), but I think it’s spot-on and worth sharing:

“Stillness is not a luxury; it's a necessity for our well-being. In the quietude of stillness, we find clarity, creativity, emotional balance, and a deep connection to the present moment. It is a refuge from the noise of modern life and a gateway to a more fulfilling, mindful existence. So, amidst the chaos of life, take a moment to embrace the profound beauty of stillness.”

If you want to practice mindful yoga with me, I provide many options, including group classes or 1-on-1 sessions via Zoom or in-person, and video recordings.

Be Well,
